Method for the three-string bouzouki – Vol. 3
In this third issue of the Method, bouzouki study is completed. Basic chapters of bouzouki study that have been issued in the two previous issues of the Method, such as scales, ornaments and chords are being completed here. The context of time subdivisions presenting the thirty seconds and the sixty fourths notes lead to the end of the study.
A large number of greater difficulty skill exercises that are included in this issue helps students to improve their technique, while an interesting part of the book is consisted of the chapters referring to the basic rules of improvising, taximia, to the folk modes and their harmony, the rhythms, accompanying, the dynamics of the sound, the odd meters, the fingering rules etc.
Just like in the previous second issue, the present issue is accompanied by another book with music sheets of twenty two artistic and folk songs corresponding respectively to the theoretical and practical requirements of each one of the chapters.
The recordings of the exercises and the songs included in the CDs that accompany the books offer great assistance to students and they comprehend, in the best way, the contents of the book from a technical and mainly from an expressional point of view.
The third issue of the Method includes two books. The first one, the student’s book includes exercises and theory while the companion includes 20 Artistic folk songs.
The student’s book includes:
- 193 exercises ( skill exercises and chord analysis)
- Ornaments
- Chords (following the second issue, seventh chord and diminish chord- performing ways)
- Basic rules of fingering
- Odd Meters (5/8, 7/8, 9/8, etc)
- Accompanying rhythms
- Taximis (basic indications and rules on how a student can play and then compose his own taximis and improvisations in general)
- Modes (all modes, chords included, the relative-relevant modes, chords that each one of them ends while for each mode there is a correspondent taximi written in notes and recorded as well).
Book characteristics:
Pages: 176
Dimensions: 210 Χ 297 mm (Α4)
Book binding: Spiral
Language:English – Greek
The companion includes 22 Artistic folk songs
Book characteristics:
Pages: 66
Dimensions: 210 Χ 297 mm (Α4)
Book binding: Σπιράλ
Language: English – Greek